Hi friends, in this post we will see how to delete multiple SharePoint subsites in a single click. We all know that the site is a collection of objects which includes list, libraries, etc. Similarly, we create SharePoint subsite to manage different sections of the main site.Sometimes we need to delete these subsites. So let us see how to delete SharePoint subsite.

Delete a SharePoint Subsite

Open your SharePoint Subsite in a web browser.

Click the setting button (Gear Icon) and select Site Settings.

Under Site Actions, Click Delete this site to delete SharePoint subsite.

Click Delete to confirm the deletion of the subsite.

Delete Multiple SharePoint Subsite in Single Click

Open your SharePoint Site in Web Browser.

Click the setting button (Gear Icon) and select Site Settings.

Under Site, Administration clicks on Sites and Workspaces.

Click on delete symbol in front of Subsite.

Click on delete button to confirm the deletion.

Effect of deleting SharePoint subsite

When we delete SharePoint subsite all the content related to that subsite will get deleted and get moved to Recycle Bin. Following are some of the effects of deleting SharePoint subsite. It will delete the following content related to that subsite:
  • Documents and document libraries
  • Lists and list data, including surveys, discussions, announcements, calendar
  • Website settings and configurations
  • Permission levels and security information relating to the Website
Note: You can not delete SharePoint subsite which contains another subsite. If you try to delete such subsite you will get the following error:

"There was a problem deleting Website "/sites/XXXXXX/subsite". Sites that have subsites or certain apps can't be deleted. Please try again after deleting all subsites and removing the apps."

So to delete a SharePoint subsite which contains another subsite, you have to first delete all child subsites.

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