Here we are going to make "Favourite flavour" column mandatory when the user selects "Do you like Ice Cream" as YES. If the user selects NO "Favourite flavour" field will no longer remain mandatory. Isn't it interesting? Let us see how to implement this scenario in SharePoint 2013.
Conditionally Mandatory Field in SharePoint 2013
Let us create a list named "Delicious Desserts". This list has two columns as "Do you like Ice Cream" as radio buttons and "Favorite Flavor" as a text field. Here we are making "Favourite Flavour" field conditionally required.
Now click on List settings > Validation Settings (under General Settings heading).
Here you can enter the formula for validations. You can also put a message for the user when he tries to save the item without filling that required field.
Now copy the following formula, replace column names with yours and paste it in formula field as shown in the screenshot. Also, set User message so that user can also understand which one is a mandatory field.
See the below screenshot. Here User gets a message like "Please mention your favorite flavours" when he tries to save the form after selecting YES for the question "Do you like Ice Cream". In this way, we can implement Conditionally Mandatory field in SharePoint.
If you want to validate multiple fields that depend on two or more other fields, OR condition, AND condition, etc. you can easily create a formula by referring to these calculated field formulas.
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Here you can enter the formula for validations. You can also put a message for the user when he tries to save the item without filling that required field.
Now copy the following formula, replace column names with yours and paste it in formula field as shown in the screenshot. Also, set User message so that user can also understand which one is a mandatory field.
=IF([Do you like Ice Cream]="Yes",IF([Favourite Flavour]<>"",TRUE,FALSE),TRUE)
See the below screenshot. Here User gets a message like "Please mention your favorite flavours" when he tries to save the form after selecting YES for the question "Do you like Ice Cream". In this way, we can implement Conditionally Mandatory field in SharePoint.
If you want to validate multiple fields that depend on two or more other fields, OR condition, AND condition, etc. you can easily create a formula by referring to these calculated field formulas.
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